At Microsoft’s BUILD conference last month, Nokia announced MD-12, a wireless portable speaker. Today, at the Lumia 630 launch event in India, the speaker was officially launched there as well. It costs Rs 5,500 ($92), which is rather pricey since its global price is just $55.
The cute looking speaker reverberates the sound through any surface it’s placed on. If you find the name, “MD-12” a bit off putting, just so you know, Stephen Elop didn’t like it either, but it was too late for any amendments.
The wireless speaker can be connected to Lumia smartphones over Bluetooth. And Much like those phones, MD-12 comes in various colors – yellow, orange, white and green. It can last up to 15 hours on a single charge. The speaker starts shipping by mid-June.
It’s the first day of Microsoft’s developer conference Build, and we have seen tons of announcements today. Nokia too announced its latest flagship device Lumia 930, along with two Windows Phone 8.1 running smartphones Lumia 630 and 635. That’s not all, Nokia has also unveiled a cute looking speaker which…
Our UK readers can rejoice! Microsoft has officially dropped the price of its premium Lumia 930 handset to £400 (off-contract). Additionally, the company is now bringing back the free 'wireless bundle' which includes a portable wireless desktop charger and a MD-12 Portable Wireless Speaker with every purchase of the Lumia 930. A…
The pocket friendly Nokia 220 handset has officially launched in India. Last month at the Mobile World Congress event, Nokia announced several new handsets. While Nokia X stole the show, there were a few more handsets that the Finnish giant had unveiled that day. One such handset was its low-priced…